Sunday, 22 July 2007

Asians, toilets and a touch of Scrubs

Hi again, sorry for the delay... I've been keeping busy. I have, however, scribbled down my dreams in recent weeks on my cellphone so here comes 1 out of 4 (the fifth dream is far and beyond too freaky to be posted). The other 3 will be posted in the coming days.


I see a toilet. For no apparent reason, I flush down a random infant! An asian, black-haired emo pulls me into this pretty much empty room, apart from a wastebin and curtains. He starts threatening me, aiming kicks at my legs and yelling at me in a foreign language. It probably was his baby, or he might just have been pissed because I have the same hair colour as him, what do I know?

I tell him I'll patch things up, and run out screaming for people to help me search all the toilets in the room (must've been at least a hundred).

Pretty soon, I find the baby floating around, stiff as a teenage boy's holy parts in the morning. I grab the baby by the ankle and run over to Doctor Cox from Scrubs who miraculously saves the little fellow. I want to contact the asian and tell him everything's alright so I scream out his name, 'Rolfwie!', and then I am awakened by my own scream which apparently found it's way out of the dream and into reality.


Pedagogen said...

You need to post the last dream

Anonymous said...

Great work.